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Writer's pictureRain- Rainer Karioredjo

Visiting SDN 23 PADANG, (Elementary School 23 Padang)

It happened on a Thursday's afternoon at the gym when I suddenly received a message from my academic advisor asking if I'm free on the Saturday. Thinking what I would be doing that Saturday, I said I might be free although I wasn't. She then invited me to visit an elementary school, SDN 23 Padang, with her which is a part of lecturer's community service, along with some other students from the same concentration (Media, TV and Film) as me. I immediately said "yes" and joined her.

At first I thought I was just going to visit and attend some class and have a short conversation with the students, not knowing that on that early Saturday morning she sent me some YouTube links about topics we were about to discuss/ present. All I had to do was to choose one topic and present to the students. The main topic was about Socializing on Safety Internet Use for Children whereas me and my fellow teammates had to present the chosen parts.

As we have arrived at SDN 23 Padang, we met with the principle of the school and were further guided to class 4 where both classes (A and B) were combined into one. Entering the class, we could see the excitement on the students faces. All of us who were part of this project had to wear our green Univertas Andalas' jacket as representatives of Andalas University, so the students would know. As for myself, I arrived wearing my costumed made jacket with my name and my country's flag on it as a representative from Suriname before changing into the green jacket.

But as the day went by, we all had an amazing time together with the kids from the opening speech to everyone's presentation, but also some games we prepared for the kids. And of course gifts for the ones who won.

It truly was an amazing day and a new experience for me while living and studying in Indonesia.

Therefore I would like to thank my academic advisor, Mam. Vitania Yulia, for letting me be a part of her community service and to join the team along with Sadiah, Della, Tiara and of course not to forget Gibran for being an awesome host and keeping the kids active during the games.


SDN 23 Padang,


West Sumatra,


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